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Husni Adil Makmur

I’m an adventurer!

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According to Wikipedia:

Google Street View is a technology featured in Google Maps and Google Earth that provides panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world. It was launched in 2007 in several cities in the United States, and has since expanded to include cities and rural areas worldwide. Streets with Street View imagery available are shown as blue lines on Google Maps.

Google Street View is available on certain places. USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Japan, and some countries in Europe are most fully supports this feature on Google Maps. Some countries only get partial supports as of now, and most of countries in Africa and Middle East Asia are not currently planned to be supported. You can see the complete coverage of Google Street View in map below:

Google Street View coverage

  Countries and dependencies with mostly full coverage
  Countries and dependencies with partial coverage
  Countries and dependencies with full or partial coverage planned (official)
  Countries and dependencies with full or partial coverage planned (unofficial)
  Countries and dependencies with views of selected businesses and/or tourist attractions only
  Countries and dependencies with no current or planned coverage

Finally, since August 20, 2014, Google Street View has been available in Indonesia (I’m Indonesian). Hopefully the project will fully supports all streets in the future.

So, how do they make this? Mostly they use a car with camera to capture 3D views on street.

Google Street View Car Subaru Impreza at Google Campus

Google Street View Camera Closeup

Rear view of Google Street View car

And here the Google Street View app, try to move on the street and you will notice that surrounding cars are moving. That’ cool, eh?

I am now imagining that they drive from Jakarta to Pati in order to complete their database (see blue line on the image below).

Google Street View in Java

Image Credit: Wikipedia and Google Maps
Video Credit: YouTube