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Husni Adil Makmur

I’m an adventurer!

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How Ads Work on Facebook

A business creates an ad. They choose the type of audience they’d like to reach. If you’re in that audience, Facebook shows you the ad.

You can use Facebook Ads within your Facebook Page, not your Facebook Profile. So you have to:

  1. Build your Facebook Page. Everything on Facebook starts with your Page. Create a Page. It’s a simple, free way to communicate with customers.
  2. Connect with people. Get people to like your Page. Create several ads and target based on location, demographics and interests.
  3. Engage your audience. Post quality updates and promote your posts with ads to engage your customers and their friends.

There are many objectives that you can do with Facebook Ads. As of this post published, there are 9 (nine) objectives on Facebook Ads that you can start with:

  1. Boost your posts. Get more people to see and engage with your Page posts.
  2. Promote your pages. Connect more people with your Page.
  3. Send people to your website. Increase the number of visits to your website.
  4. Increase conversions on your website. Send people to your website to take a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter. Use a conversion pixel to measure your results.
  5. Get install of your app. Send people to the store where they can purchase your app.
  6. Increase engagement in your app. Get more people to use your Facebook or mobile app.
  7. Raise attendance at your event. Promote your Facebook event to increase your attendance.
  8. Get people to claim your offer. Promote timely discounts or other deals for people to claim in your store.
  9. Get video views. Promote videos that show behind-the-scenes footage, product launches or customer stories to raise awareness about your brand.

What I have tried are Boost your posts and Promote your pages.